Ibis Exie Xc Bike 29 Custom

Ibis Factory Demo

The Ibis Fac­to­ry HQ Demo Fleet

If you are inter­est­ed in try­ing out an Ibis, but don’t have a local deal­er or an impend­ing local vis­it by the demo truck, we have a demo fleet at our Fac­to­ry HQ in San­ta Cruz. 

Reser­va­tions are required. Please no walk-ins. To book, click the link below.

Book Now

Demo bikes are avail­able from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm on Mon­day — Fri­day. We are not open on weekends.

  • $80 to demo a bike for 4 hours

  • Ebikes cost $100 to demo for 4 hours

  • Please arrive 20 min­utes ear­ly, so you can sign in and dou­ble-check all your settings.

  • Don’t for­get shoes, ped­als, hel­met, gloves, cred­it card, and dri­ver’s license. We do have an assort­ment of ped­als in case you for­get something.


We have a lim­it­ed quan­ti­ty of Rip­ley, Rip­mo, HD6, Exie, DV9, Hak­ka MX, and Oso demo bikes avail­able. We do not have Exie USA or AF mod­els avail­able to demo. 


Our office is locat­ed at 1201 Shaf­fer Rd Build­ing #1B, San­ta Cruz, CA 95060.


If you’re look­ing to rent a bike dur­ing a vis­it to San­ta Cruz, please con­tact a local shop. We rec­om­mend Spokesman or Cycle Sport.


Rid­ing wet or mud­dy trails can cause unnec­es­sary dam­age and ero­sion. We reserve the right to can­cel demo reser­va­tions due to heavy win­ter rain storms.

How do we mea­sure if it’s too wet to ride? Check out the San­ta Cruz Moun­tain Trail Stew­ard’s post on the topic.

Late Demo Return:

Any demo bikes returned after the com­ple­tion of your demo time will result in a late-fee of $100 per bike, auto­mat­i­cal­ly charged to your card on file.

Guid­ed Tours:

If you’re not famil­iar with the trails around San­ta Cruz and would like a guide, we sug­gest our friends over at The Ride Guides. From their web­site: At The Ride Guides we teach bicy­cle han­dling skills, guide clients on our favorite rides, and encour­age respon­si­ble trail eti­quette, all of this while squeez­ing the most fun pos­si­ble from two wheels”.

Demo FAQ:

Booking a demo is simple! Scroll up to the button on this page that reads "Book Now" and follow the instructions provided. Please note that we do not accept bookings over the phone or via email to ensure a seamless and efficient booking experience for all our valued customers.

Yes, we’re located a few blocks from the bike path to Wilder. You can ride straight from the office. We do almost daily!

Yes, you may transport the bike with either a tray-style rack or a pickup truck with an aftermarket truck pad. You may transport one bicycle inside your vehicle. Our staff will double-check your setup to make sure it won’t damage our bikes. We will charge a damage fee for improperly transported bikes.

Our current demo window is four hours. It's two hours round trip from Ibis HQ to the Demo Parking lot. Due to time limitations, we don't recommend it.

Ibis Cycles is closed for Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and for our mandatory #ridemoreworkless December break (which generally falls between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.)