Give us your email address and we’ll very occasionally inform you about the goings on at Ibis. Don’t worry, we’re not going to inundate you. Just a shout out every now and again. Once or twice a month maybe, or maybe every two months.
IMPORTANT: After submitting your email address you’ll be taken to to confirm your subscription. That list is very GDPR compliant, so you can be sure we will be respectful of your data and preferences. Hit ‘back’ in your browser to return to this site after joining the list.
ALSO IMPORTANT: You will (hopefully) get a confirmation email when you submit your name to our mail list. You need to respond to that to let our little email bot know that you want to hear from us. And no, we don’t share this list with anyone. Just little old Ibis is all you’ll hear from. And you can always unsubscribe any time.
If you do sign up to be on our email list, be sure to let your spam filter know that you want to hear from us. Either enable the domain and/or the email address Thanks.