Warranty bushings 03

Warranty Bushing Replacement

Apply for our bush­ing replace­ment program.

Ibis will replace your cle­vis or low­er piv­ot bush­ings free of charge if they are worn out. Bush­ings and o‑rings are cov­ered under this war­ran­ty. If you need addi­tion­al hard­ware aside from the bush­ings and o‑rings, please order the appro­pri­ate kit for your bike off the web­store.

We strong­ly rec­om­mend pur­chas­ing a new upper link, rather than try the DIY bear­ing replace­ment route, which can result in curs­ing, crooked bear­ing instal­la­tion, bruised egos, and pos­si­ble dam­age to the align­ment of the link. 

Sub­mit your infor­ma­tion below to apply for bush­ing replacements. 

Ques­tions? Send a note to warranty@​ibiscycles.​com.

Your details

If outside the USA, check with your local distributor for replacement parts.

HD3/4, Mojo 3, Ripley 1/2/3 only have Clevis Mount bushings Available.

Check your details and send us your info!

You must enter all of you information and select a bike and bushing type to submit the form.
You will receive a confirmation message on successful submission.

I consent to Ibis Cycles Inc. collecting and storing my data from this form. This data will be used to help with any bushing replacement claims.