Pent-up demand for the Mendocino Migration after a 2020 cancellation and a smaller event in 2021 dictated need for a second Migration in 2022. At least, that’s what we’re telling people. What really happened is that our head Migrator took his eye off the ball and oversold the first one. We sold out in minutes! So we opened a second and shuffled a few people to the second Migration and we were off to the races.
Both were wonderful visits to the spectacular Mendocino Woodlands and its rustic cluster of 46 cabins located deep in California’s coastal redwood forest. Perfect weather greeted the Migrations, along with ideal trail conditions and a fun and relaxed group of Ibisians.

Being a cyclist himself, Rob Hunter knows how to feed the hungry masses. Rob and his wife Jill are now the veterans of many Migrations with many more in sight (due to his popularity, we’ve actually got them booked for 2024 already!). His food is spectacular, and dare we say one of the main reasons people keep coming back time after time to the Migrations.
Looking through the photos we took last year, we pretty much forgot to take photos of Rob’s food. Doh! So we might have put in a few from years past.
Presiding over breakfast was recovering chef and current lawyer Phil Bender, taking time off his busy law practice to dust off his knives, whip out his recipe book and show a bunch of enthusiastic kitchen volunteers how to prepare gourmet food for 130 or so hungry riders. Thank you Phil, those were amazing meals!
Somehow we also managed to get very few pictures of Phil’s meals this time around, so we might have used a couple of recycled photos from years past.
Many migrators start each morning with an invigorating yoga session by Abbie. Many other migrators sleep in.
As usual, we were serving Nossa Familia Coffee, the official coffee roaster of Ibis Migrations and many cycling events in Oregon. Also the official morning drink of Chuck Ibis.
Keg beer this year was from Seismic Brewing Company out of Santa Rosa, Break Even Beermakers from lovely Amador City and stalwart Russian River Brewery.
Over the years, happy hour has evolved from cans of beer in a bucket of ice to a full on extravaganza of food, wine, cocktails, DJ’s and lively conversation.