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Ibis Migrations 14 and 15

we migrated to baja!
join us next year

Jan­u­ary 16 – 19, 20 – 232024

Ibis Migra­tions #14 and #15 were the first win­ter Ibis Migra­tions, the first Inter­na­tion­al Migra­tions and the first Migra­tions in Baja California. 

We post­ed up at the fan­tas­tic Ran­cho Cacachi­las, locat­ed about two hours north of San Jose del Cabo, and just above the renowned wind­sports des­ti­na­tion, La Ventana. 

The Ranch is rough­ly 35,000 acres, and it’s all pri­vate. There are 70 kilo­me­ters (44 miles or approx­i­mate­ly 229,658.79 feet) of pur­pose-built trails on the Ranch, and they are chal­leng­ing and fun, with spec­tac­u­lar rock work and scenery. 

Most of the (deli­cious!) food we ate came from the Ranch. Accom­mo­da­tion was in the very deluxe pala­pa casitas’ and the staff, from the cooks to the guides to the nat­u­ral­ists, were noth­ing short of incredible. 

Pho­tos cour­tesy of @pittsburgh_surfer @barlito @sharcnick @scotnicol @sal.andrews and @ranchocacachilas

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Wel­come to Ran­cho Cacachilas

That's the underlying reason why we're all here, right?

One of our Migra­tors, Randy Ran­dle­man, shot a lot of video dur­ing his time at the Ranch. He put togeth­er a great recap of the Migra­tion, includ­ing lots of rid­ing footage and a bit of camp life. Thank you Randy!

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.


The Ranch grows a lot of the food that is served to our Migra­tors — there is a huge gar­den that pro­vides most of the greens that are served, and a farm area with goats, chick­ens and hogs. Food scraps and farm waste are com­post­ed and used as fer­til­iz­er. At each farm-to-table meal, staff would tell us what came from the Ranch — and it was a lot! 

"Around the Ranch"

And that’s a wrap on our first Migra­tion of 2024! We’ve already reserved our dates for next year. Due to the pop­u­lar­i­ty of these Migra­tions, we will have a lot­tery for tick­ets — every­one gets an equal chance. We’ll announce the lot­tery some­ time in the late sum­mer or ear­ly fall of 2024.
Till then, we leave you with some words of wisdom:

"A good bike ride should start with a coffee and end with a beer."

Troy Rarick

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"Ibis Migration #20 (BAJA!) takes place January 15th - 18th, 2025"