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Mendocino, August 17-20, 20-23, 2023

Ibis Migration
#12 and 13 Report

Men­do­ci­no Cal­i­for­nia — Back to Back Migrations

Ibis was hatched just a mile or two from the site of the Men­do­ci­no Migra­tion way back in 1981. It’s always nice to come back to the birth­place deep in Cal­i­for­ni­a’s coastal red­wood forest. 

We held two back-to-back Migra­tions again in August of 2023, like we did the year before. Both were won­der­ful vis­its to the spec­tac­u­lar and his­toric Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands and its rus­tic clus­ter of 46 cab­ins. Per­fect weath­er greet­ed the Migra­tions, along with ide­al trail con­di­tions and a fun and relaxed group of Ibisians. 

Mug up close Large
Wel­come to the Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands, please enjoy your Klean Kan­teen drink­ing vessel

Two and a half days of friendly, duffy, redwoody, soft dark and handsome "brown pow" trails await


Rob Hunter knows how to feed the hun­gry mass­es. Rob and his wife Jill are now the vet­er­ans of many Migra­tions with many more in sight. His food is spec­tac­u­lar, and dare we say one of the main rea­sons peo­ple keep com­ing back time after time to the Migra­tions.
Rob’s food and Jil­l’s dessert are always fresh, hand-made, local, nev­er from a can, almost always organ­ic, healthy and deli­cious. Oh, and there’s plen­ty of it.


As usu­al, we were serv­ing Nos­sa Famil­ia Cof­fee, the offi­cial cof­fee roast­er of Ibis Migra­tions and many cycling events in Ore­gon. Also the offi­cial morn­ing drink of Chuck Ibis. 

We were lucky enough to have Espres­so Bob return, dri­ving all the way out from Col­orado with his gor­geous vin­tage Asto­ria 2 group lever espres­so machine. He even had barista help from local rid­er Nick. 

"Happy Hour"

Over the years, hap­py hour has evolved from cans of beer in a buck­et of ice to a full on extrav­a­gan­za of food, wine, cock­tails, DJ’s and live­ly con­ver­sa­tion. This year was dif­fer­ent, it got even bet­ter. It feels like more than a hap­py hour. Very hap­py hour? Extreme­ly hap­py hour? So hap­py I could cry hour? 

"Ibis Migration #12 (Mendocino) takes place August 17-20, 2023"