Cabin inside Large

August 18-21, 2024

Migration #19
Mendocino Mixer


Come spend some qual­i­ty time with the Ibis fam­i­ly! We’ll ride bikes, eat great food, hang out and just have a good time amongst the tow­er­ing redwoods.


Migra­tions have devel­oped an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion over the years, and sell out quickly. 

Ibis offered women’s ride groups from all over the globe ear­ly access to reg­is­ter for this bonus Ibis Migra­tion, #19, August 18 – 21st, 2024. We had reg­is­tra­tion open for a month. 

We have a few spots left and now we are open­ing it up to our gen­er­al mail­ing list. You are wel­come to reg­is­ter just your­self, or bring up to three friends with you. 

Relat­ed Note: On March 19th, we opened reg­is­tra­tion for our annu­al Migra­tion, tak­ing place on August 15 – 18. There were 90 spots avail­able and we sold out in 7 min­utes. So we are open­ing this sec­ond Migra­tion to fill some of that demand! 


Ibis Migra­tion Men­do­ci­no, our flag­ship event, takes place each year at the Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands, deep in the heart of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s red­wood forest.


The Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands was built in the 1930s by the Works Progress Admin­is­tra­tion and Civil­ian Con­ser­va­tion Corps as part of Pres­i­dent Roosevelt’s New Deal Projects. 46 of these Recre­ation Demon­stra­tion Areas were built in the Unit­ed States with the Wood­lands being the only one built in Cal­i­for­nia, the only one built in a Red­wood for­est, and one of only two built west of the Rock­ies. The Wood­lands has con­tin­u­ous­ly served its orig­i­nal pur­pose of group camp­ing and out­door edu­ca­tion unin­ter­rupt­ed and vir­tu­al­ly unal­tered since open­ing in 1938

We are hon­ored to be able to stay in this incred­i­ble and his­toric camp.

Cabin3 Large
Your palace in the woods
Cabin2 Large
With on-site bike parking

Need more info about our glo­ri­ous loamy sin­gle­track extravaganza?

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Three days of guid­ed rid­ing on the red­wood mag­ic carpet

  • Lov­ing­ly pre­pared break­fasts, lunch­es, din­ners and snacks (you won’t get hungry)

  • Real good bev­er­ages — we mean real­ly good!

  • Three nights of accom­mo­da­tion in his­toric red­wood cabins

  • Ibis Migra­tion T‑shirt (2024 art­work TBD)

  • Insu­lat­ed stain­less bev­er­age con­tain­er by Klean Kan­teen, fea­tur­ing Chris McNal­ly’s art

  • Stim­u­lat­ing camp­fire con­ver­sa­tion and shared sto­ries (some of which are true)

  • Yoga ses­sions with a cer­ti­fied yoga instructor

  • Non­rid­ers wel­come, with alter­nate activ­i­ties being self-organized

  • Though all ages are wel­come, this week­end is best for 21+. Child­care is not provided

Meet Real Ibisians 

Work at much of Ibis will grind to a halt as we wel­come the women of Ibis to the Migration.

In atten­dance will be:

  • Roxy, Ibis co-own­er and indus­tri­al design­er extra­or­di­naire, who makes our bikes look beautiful

  • Saris, head of mar­ket­ing, will be shred­ding the gnar, snap­ping pho­tos and serv­ing up cocktails 

  • Sophie, from our pro­duc­tion depart­ment will be pulling shots of espres­so for you in the morning. 

  • Jane is fly­ing all the way from Asia; she keeps our fac­to­ries in line and makes sure our pro­duc­tion runs smooth­ly (yes, even from many time zones away

And maybe more, if we can tear them away from work for a few days!


Give us your info, show up and we’ll have a bike for you. Rental fee, includ­ing a fit, trans­porta­tion and basic bike set­up is $250 for the week­end. Reserve yours on our reg­is­tra­tion page, but act now. Demo bikes are lim­it­ed and in high demand.


Cab­ins at the Wood­lands are sim­ple, rus­tic and beau­ti­ful, with stone fire­places, small porch­es and views of the for­est below you. You must bring your own bed­ding.

There are 4 cots per cab­in. Each has a foam sleep­ing pad. Did we men­tion that the accom­mo­da­tions were rus­tic? Well they are, and you might con­sid­er bring­ing a bit more padding for the bed.

A short walk from each cab­in is a show­er and toilet.

If you’re com­ing solo, we will assign you to a cab­in with one or two oth­er Migra­tors . If you’re com­ing with friends, just tell us their name(s) and we will put you in the same cab­in or pod of cab­ins if you’re a full on con­gre­ga­tion (we looked it up, the col­lec­tive noun for mul­ti­ple Ibis­es is a congregation).


We love our Sprinter/​Camper peo­ple. There is plen­ty of room for your rig. You can use our group bathing/​toilet facil­i­ties too. 


$1200 per per­son gets you in on all the action.
Note: for you returnees, we’ve elim­i­nat­ed the cab­in buy-out options, at the same time reduced the num­ber of atten­dees, so we can def­i­nite­ly get you in a cab­in (or cab­ins) with the oth­er migrator(s) of your choice.

Sprint­er Dwellers: $1050 per person

Non-rid­ing par­tic­i­pants: $975

Kids 6 – 12: $750

Kids 2 – 5 $500


Do I need to own an Ibis to participate? 

No, you don’t have to own an Ibis. We are accept­ing both cur­rent and future Ibisians into the mix. You will need to bring or rent a bike (see Rental Bikes, above). 

Can I bring my e‑bike?

No, e‑bikes are not allowed in Jack­son Demon­stra­tion State For­est, where we will be riding.

Can I bring my dog?

Unfor­tu­nate­ly dogs are not allowed at the Woodlands.

Are kids invited?

Yes, rid­ers, hik­ers, hula hoop­ers and guests of all ages are wel­come! There are no spe­cif­ic kids activ­i­ties, but if your kid can ride 10 or so miles with 1000 feet of climb­ing, we’ll have a ride for them. Kids under 12 will need to have a par­ent with them on the ride, and all chil­dren under 5 need to have a par­ent with them at all times.

How can I con­tact you with questions?

Email migration@​ibiscycles.​com and we’ll do our best to shoot a response back with­in a day. Once we set foot in the Wood­lands mid­day on Wednes­day August 14th though, we’ll be out of cell phone and email access (yay!)

Mendocino truck
The Ibis Migration Mendocino is all about the riding. And the food. And the camaraderie.