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Mar 28, 2023

New lifetime warranty! ⁠

Today, we’re announc­ing our new life­time warranty! 

Ibis now offer a life­time war­ran­ty against man­u­fac­tur­ing defects on all rims, wheels, and frames pur­chased on or after Jan­u­ary 1, 2023. This replaces our pre­vi­ous 7‑year war­ran­ty and reflects our exist­ing pol­i­cy of hon­or­ing war­ran­ty claims for defec­tive prod­ucts regard­less of pur­chase date. ⁠

From detailed set­up guides to expert-lev­el cus­tomer ser­vice and small-part sup­port, we aim to pro­vide excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice and sup­port after the sale — so you have the best pos­si­ble experience.⁠

The new life­time war­ran­ty cov­ers defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for the orig­i­nal own­er. It does not cov­er dam­ages due to dri­ving into your garage door, cas­ing a Ram­page sized step-down, or inten­tion­al dam­age. Prod­ucts pur­chased in 2022 or ear­li­er will be cov­ered by our pre­vi­ous 7‑year warranty. ⁠

To acti­vate your life­time war­ran­ty, reg­is­ter your bike here.