Ibis Cycles HD6 Enchanted Forest Green 2500x 8

Nov 08, 2023

HD6 - MBA Editor's Choice

"This bike had us impressed to the point where we had multiple wrecking crew test riders conspiring to buy the bike even from the first ride."

2023 was an excit­ing year full of inno­v­a­tive new prod­ucts and bikes. There were so many, we had a hard time set­tling on a final list, but a select few stand out and rise above the rest, earn­ing a call-out from the MBA edi­tors and wreck­ing crew.

What we think about when rid­ing an enduro bike is bal­ance in both climb­ing and descend­ing. The Ibis HD6 is an excel­lent bal­anced bike that com­plains lit­tle on the ascents and allows its rid­er to nail each cor­ner, rock sec­tion, jump and chute with com­po­sure. The sus­pen­sion is both sup­ple and sup­port­ive, mean­ing trac­tion and small-bump absorp­tion are at a pre­mi­um while not sac­ri­fic­ing big-hit resilience. This bike had us impressed to the point where we had mul­ti­ple wreck­ing crew test rid­ers con­spir­ing to buy the bike even from the first ride.”