Ibis Ripley V4 S Red LM 1

Warranty Policy

Life­time Frame & Rim Warranty.


Life­time War­ran­ty on Frames — Ibis frames come with a Life­time War­ran­ty against defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for the orig­i­nal own­er. Ibis will either repair or replace at its option any part it deter­mines to be defec­tive. This war­ran­ty is non-tran­s­fer­­able and applies exclu­sive­ly to Ibis frames sold after Jan­u­ary 1, 2023 and reg­is­tered with­in 1 year of pur­chase at: 


Frames sold before Jan­u­ary 1, 2023 will be cov­ered by this war­ran­ty for a peri­od of 7 years for the orig­i­nal reg­is­tered own­er. Non-reg­is­tered frames are cov­ered for a peri­od of 2 years. Paint and fin­ish are cov­ered for a peri­od of 1 year.


Life­time War­ran­ty on Alu­minum Rims — Black­bird Send alu­minum rims come with a Life­time War­ran­ty against fail­ure due to impact dam­age or defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for the orig­i­nal owner.

Ibis Car­bon Rims come with a Life­time War­ran­ty against defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for the orig­i­nal own­er. Impact dam­age is cov­ered on a case by case basis or under our no-fault replace­ment pol­i­cy. No-fault war­ran­ty cov­er­age is avail­able for crash relat­ed and non rid­ing dam­age like when you back over the wheel or the exhaust over­heats the carbon.

Please note: Rims pur­chased pri­or to Jan­u­ary 1st 2023 are cov­ered for a peri­od of 7 years from the orig­i­nal pur­chase date against both impact and defects in workmanship.

Ibis brand­ed hubs are guar­an­teed to be free of defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship for a peri­od of 2 years for the orig­i­nal own­er. This excludes the bear­ings which are a nor­mal wear item.


Life­time War­ran­ty on Han­dle­bars — Ibis han­dle­bars are guar­an­teed to be free of defects in mate­ri­als and work­man­ship. This war­ran­ty is non-tran­s­fer­­able and applies exclu­sive­ly to Ibis han­dle­bars sold after Jan­u­ary 12023.


1 Year War­ran­ty on Fin­ish — Paint and fin­ish are cov­ered for a peri­od of 1 year. Note that paint dam­age from removal of pro­tec­tive tape is not cov­ered under our paint war­ran­ty. Most pro­tec­tive tape man­u­fac­tur­ers have rec­om­mend­ed removal instruc­tions to pre­vent paint dam­age. These usu­al­ly involve, among oth­er things, apply­ing a lit­tle heat to soft­en the adhe­sive. Check with the man­u­fac­tur­er of the tape before attempt­ing removal!


Should your Ibis prod­uct be involved in a crash or oth­er non-war­ran­­ty sit­u­a­tion, Ibis Cycles will make replace­ment parts avail­able at a min­i­mum charge to the orig­i­nal own­er for the life of the prod­uct. Ibis Cycles does this at its sole dis­cre­tion and reserves the right to refuse this offer.


Ibis will replace your worn cle­vis or low­er piv­ot bush­ings free of charge to the orig­i­nal own­er for the life of the prod­uct. Bush­ings and o‑rings are cov­ered under this war­ran­ty. To order bush­ings, fill out the War­ran­ty Bush­ing Replace­ment Form. For instruc­tions on removal and instal­la­tion of bush­ings watch our Disassembly/​Assembly Tuto­ri­als.


The above lim­it­ed war­ranties do not cov­er nor­mal wear and tear, nor do they apply to dam­age that is the result of bla­tant abuse, neglect, improp­er assem­bly, improp­er main­te­nance, alter­ation, mis­use, or heat dam­age (watch that exhaust pipe). Life­time means the nor­mal expect­ed life of our prod­ucts. The costs of dis­as­sem­bly, reassem­bly or repair of any attached com­po­nents are not cov­ered by this war­ran­ty and are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the orig­i­nal own­er. Cus­tomers are respon­si­ble for the cost of ship­ping except for EU des­ti­na­tions if less than 2 years after the date of sale.

Unless oth­er­wise pro­vid­ed, the sole rem­e­dy under the above war­ranties, or any implied war­ran­ty, is lim­it­ed to the replace­ment of defec­tive parts with those of equal or greater val­ue at the sole dis­cre­tion of Ibis Cycles. In no event shall Ibis Cycles be held respon­si­ble for direct, inci­den­tal or con­se­quen­tial dam­ages, includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, dam­ages for per­son­al injury, prop­er­ty dam­age, or eco­nom­ic loss­es, whether based on con­tract, war­ran­ty, neg­li­gence, prod­uct lia­bil­i­ty, or any oth­er the­o­ry. Okay? Good!


Reg­is­ter your prod­ucts pri­or to sub­mit­ting your war­ran­ty claim here.


Take the dam­aged bike or prod­uct into your deal­er, along with your proof of pur­chase. Once you sched­ule with the deal­er, we will work with them to get the prod­uct back as soon as pos­si­ble. How­ev­er, if you don’t have an Ibis deal­er or local bike shop near­by, you can work direct­ly with us.

If you are out­side the USA, it is best to work through and email your coun­try’s dis­trib­u­tor or your local Ibis dealer.

Find a Dealer/​Distributor here.


Send an email to warranty@​ibiscycles.​com with a clear pho­to of the issue; ser­i­al num­ber of the prod­uct; descrip­tion of the dam­age; and proof of pur­chase. Please include your phone num­ber and ship­ping address details.

Please note that all war­ran­ty claims require a proof of pur­chase receipt in the own­er’s name from an autho­rized Ibis retail­er. Claims with­out a proof of pur­chase receipt will not be con­sid­ered under warranty.

And remem­ber; Ride More, Work Less.