Banner Forms race 01

So you want to get spon­sored by Ibis?


So you want to get spon­sored by Ibis?

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we can’t make that hap­pen right now. The pan­dem­ic has caused the biggest bike boom in recent mem­o­ry and our bikes are sold out until for­ev­er.
Our spon­sor­ship pro­gram is cur­rent­ly on hold. We will re-eval­u­ate the sta­tus of our ambas­sador and ath­lete pro­grams next year. 

In the mean­time, here are some guide­lines for you to check out. If you meet them, once things get back to some sort of nor­mal, we’d sure like you to get in touch with us. 

Mil­i­tary, Fire­fight­er, First Respon­der Discounts

We do not do any direct sales of bikes. All of our sales are han­dled by our retail­ers all over the country.

Some­times retail­ers will offer dis­counts to the mil­i­tary, fire­fight­ers or first respon­ders at their dis­cre­tion. Best to check direct­ly with them.

We do know that the folks over at Com­pet­i­tive Cyclist & Back­coun­try sup­port our troops with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to apply for a Mil­i­tary dis­count on all orders. To qual­i­fy, please send your request and pro­vide your mil­i­tary email address and/​or a valid mil­i­tary ID to groupsales@​backcountry.​com.