2021 Ibis Migration 230

August 19-22, 2021

Men­do­ci­no Cal­i­for­nia — Bet­ter Late Than Never!

Ibis Migration #7 Report

The last Ibis Migra­tion was delayed a year due to COVID, and we man­aged to squeak in ol Migra­tion num­ber 7 dur­ing the pan­demic’s brief lull last sum­mer. And we pulled it off before Delta and Omi­cron reared their ugly spiked heads. Phew!

It was our fourth migra­to­ry trip to the spec­tac­u­lar Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands and its rus­tic clus­ter of 46 cab­ins locat­ed deep in Cal­i­for­ni­a’s coastal red­wood for­est. Per­fect weath­er greet­ed us again, with ide­al trail con­di­tions and an amaz­ing group of Ibisians. 

Let’s take a look at what hap­pened in Mendocino…


That's the underlying reason why we're all here, right?


The food, oh my the food!

A hall­mark of an Ibis Migra­tion is the food (ok, the rid­ing, the bev­er­ages and the peo­ple too). Our 2019 crew knocked it com­plete­ly out of the park. We got the band back togeth­er for 2021, and once again they delivered! 

Lunch and din­ner duties were han­dled by Rob Hunter, his wife Jill, and Scot’s wife Sheryl Chap­man. We also had a crack crew of Ibisian vol­un­teers help­ing with prep and clean-up. 

Rob brought his wood-fired oven that lives on the back of his flatbed Sprint­er, prepar­ing deli­cious meals for our crew of hun­gry riders. 

Break­fast was han­dled by Phil Ben­der, who flew in from Pitts­burgh PA, grabbed his gigan­tic Red Rover RV and drove it to Men­do­ci­no. Red Rover also served as the mod­el for this year’s t‑shirt and the Klean Kan­teen drinkware that every attendee received. We’d like to thank Phil for tak­ing time off his busy law prac­tice to dust off his knives, whip out his recipe book and show a bunch of enthu­si­as­tic kitchen vol­un­teers how to pre­pare gourmet food for 80 or so hun­gry riders.

Phil once again upped the ante on break­fast and after­noon snacks, also help­ing with our after­noon cock­tail. Thanks to all our break­fast helpers too. Y’all got up early! 


Many migra­tors start each morn­ing with an invig­o­rat­ing yoga ses­sion by Abbie. Many oth­er migra­tors sleep in. After all, some­one has to par­ty till 1 AM and put out the fire.


While some intre­pid souls are doing Yoga, oth­ers are get­ting their morn­ing buzz with some of Espres­so Bob’s finest. Bob came all the way out from Col­orado with his 3 group espres­so machine to pull shots for us. We were serv­ing Nos­sa Famil­ia Cof­fee, the offi­cial cof­fee roast­er of Ibis Migra­tions and many cycling events in Ore­gon. Also in atten­dance this year to help Bob pull shots was Nos­sa own­er and founder Augus­to Carneiro. 

"Random people shots"
"Concours d'Elegance"

For Migra­tion num­ber 7 we asked attend­ing Ibisians to bring their vin­tage iron to dis­play one after­noon. We had a good num­ber of bikes show up, and each per­son told us a sto­ry about their bikes. 

Scot brought an old Schwinn he built in the 70’s and used to ride on these trails before he built his first Ibis, just a cou­ple miles as the crow flies from this spot. 


One of the tra­di­tions that we’ve inte­grat­ed into the Migra­tions over the years is the after­noon refresh­er after our dai­ly bike ride(s). This usu­al­ly involves your choice of a spe­cial cock­tail by Chuck’ or your choice of wine or beer. Or all three if you wish, we’re not judging. 

Cou­ple that with some hang out time and some deli­cious snacks, and you’ve got your­self some hap­py people. 

"Mendocino Migration 2022"

The next Men­do­ci­no Migra­tion takes place August 25th-28th, 2022.

Reg­is­tra­tion will open toward the end of Feb­ru­ary, 2022.

We will announce the actu­al open­ing of reg­is­tra­tion via our newslet­ter (sign up here) and on Insta­gram.