
August 15-18, 2019

Men­do­ci­no Cal­i­for­nia — Back to the Roots AGAIN!

Ibis Migration #6 Report

We cranked things up past 11 for Ibis Migra­tion #6. And you know what? It was the best Migra­tion ever!

It was our third vis­it to the spec­tac­u­lar Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands and its rus­tic clus­ter of 46 cab­ins locat­ed deep in Cal­i­for­ni­a’s coastal red­wood for­est. Per­fect weath­er greet­ed the sold-out Migra­tion, along with per­fect trail con­di­tions and an amaz­ing group of Ibisians. 


That's the underlying reason why we're all here, right?


And oh my, the food this year. We took it into our own hands, enlist­ed the help of a few sea­soned pros in the kitchen, and knocked it way out of the park. Back this year for two encore din­ner per­for­mances after last year’s sin­gle night of culi­nary won­der­ment was Mr. Rob Hunter. Rob was accom­pa­nied by his wife Jill, daugh­ter Phoebe and sis­ter in law Mol­ly who worked on mouth-water­ing din­ners and even a lunch of deli­cious piz­za. All three meals were part­ly or com­plete­ly cooked in the wood fired oven that Rob car­ries with him on the back of his flatbed mobile kitchen.

"Breakfast and Lunch"

Pre­sid­ing over break­fast and lunch was recov­er­ing chef and cur­rent lawyer Phil Ben­der, tak­ing time off his busy law prac­tice to dust off his knives, whip out his recipe book and show a bunch of enthu­si­as­tic kitchen vol­un­teers how to pre­pare gourmet food for 130 or so hun­gry rid­ers. Thank you Phil, those were amaz­ing meals!


Many migra­tors start each morn­ing with an invig­o­rat­ing yoga ses­sion by Abbie. Many oth­er migra­tors sleep in. 


While some intre­pid souls are doing Yoga, oth­ers are get­ting their morn­ing buzz with some of Espres­so Bob’s finest. Bob came all the way out from New Mex­i­co with his 3 group espres­so machine to pull shots for us. We were serv­ing Nos­sa Famil­ia Cof­fee, the offi­cial cof­fee roast­er of Ibis Migra­tions and many cycling events in Ore­gon. Also the offi­cial morn­ing drink of Chuck Ibis. 


Asa Shoe­mak­er, a BICP Lev­el 2 cer­ti­fied MTB Skills Coach, leads morn­ing and after­noon skills clin­ics at each Migra­tion. Here are a few shots of Asa teach­ing her stu­dents valu­able trail skills. Every­one came away from her clin­ics rav­ing about the improve­ment they see in their rid­ing. Also join­ing for skills clin­ics this year will be Bri­an Astell from Trail­Works. We’re psy­ched to have Bri­an and Asa back, and any­one who takes one of their clin­ics will come away a bet­ter rider. 

Except for a cou­ple of pho­tos poached from a pri­or migra­tion, these images are tak­en by fel­low migra­tor Jim Zachary. You can fol­low him on Insta­gram or on his web­site: https://​pho​to​s​from​thetrail​.com/

And final­ly BKXC of youtube fame doc­u­ment­ed the Migra­tion with his excel­lent film­ing and storytelling. 

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.

"Mendocino Migration 2021"

The next Men­do­ci­no Migra­tion takes place August 19 – 22nd, 2021 (2020 has been cancelled). 

Reg­is­tra­tion opened Tues­day Feb 25th, 2020 at 9AM