Ibis Migration3 LR 15

May 11–14, 2017

Men­do­ci­no Cal­i­for­nia — Back to the Roots

Ibis Migration #3 Report

It all start­ed here.

Coastal Cal­i­for­nia has always held a spe­cial allure for Ibis. From our cur­rent digs in laid-back San­ta Cruz to the ear­ly years in rur­al Sono­ma Coun­ty, we’ve always been drawn to the rugged coast­line and dra­mat­ic forests of the West Coast.

For the third Ibis Migra­tion, we decid­ed to bring our extend­ed fam­i­ly – both ded­i­cat­ed Ibis rid­ers and the I‑curious – to the place where it all began. Adven­tur­ers from all over the map trav­eled to the Men­do­ci­no Wood­lands, a his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant clus­ter of rus­tic cab­ins nes­tled with­in the red­wood sprawl of Jack­son State Demo Forest. 

Scot Nicol found­ed Ibis only a cou­ple miles away from here back in 1981, and indeed some of the trails we rode dur­ing the Migra­tion came with­in huck­ing dis­tance to the place where it all began back in the day. 

There were few trails then, but thanks to the Men­do­ci­no Coast Cyclists and the Steam Don­key Trail Crew, that has changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly. These ded­i­cat­ed dirt dig­gers (dig­glers?) have carved dozens of miles of sin­u­ous trails that wind among, and some­times even through, the majes­tic redwoods. 

Ibis Migration3 LR 219
Dozens of miles of sin­u­ous trails that wind among, and some­times even through, the majes­tic redwoods.
IMG 4741
Our accom­mo­da­tions were in rus­tic cab­ins built in the 1930’s out of red­wood. Each cozy cab­in had a fire­place and a bal­cony… along with a boat­load of old-world charm.
"If you’ve already drunk the Ibis kool-aid or if you just love riding trails and enjoying the finer things in life, we predict you’ll have a blast at a Migration!"

Thanks to all who par­tic­i­pat­ed, both campers and guides, with a spe­cial shout out to the Steam Don­key Trail Crew for cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing these top-shelf trails.

If you’ve already drunk the Ibis kool-aid or if you just love rid­ing trails and enjoy­ing the fin­er things in life, we pre­dict you’ll have a blast at a Migration!