Ibis Enduro Cell Black Ripmo V2 S Suspension Chart 11

Sep 27, 2022

Welcome to
the new Ibis!

Today, for the first time in near­ly thir­ty years, Ibis Cycles has a rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent look. We are intro­duc­ing a new logo, word mark, col­or palette, and type­face that shines a spot­light on the val­ues of our brand. 

When founder Scot Nicol was nam­ing his new­ly hatched bicy­cle com­pa­ny in 1981, he decid­ed to evoke the thrill of flight by choos­ing a bird. He liked that birds are light and can fly, which are both pos­i­tive traits to asso­ciate with a bicy­cle. Strong, ele­gant, and fast, our new iden­ti­ty instant­ly evokes the con­nec­tion between the bird and the brand.

Ibis Ripmo V2 S Bruce Banner Green LM 7
Rip­mo — now avail­able in Bruce Ban­ner and EnduroCell

By embrac­ing the bird, we are strength­en­ing the con­nec­tion between the brand and its core val­ues for a new gen­er­a­tion of enthu­si­asts. Our icon­ic oval was cre­at­ed in 1993. That was a dif­fer­ent time in the bike world and the world in gen­er­al. We didn’t yet have a web­site (that came in 1997) and the tubes on our bikes were round, skin­ny, and made of Moron (more on the end) steel.

Our new visu­al iden­ti­ty pays homage to that hand-craft­ed past, while look­ing for­ward. The new Ibis bird projects strength as it takes flight, while the arced beak is rem­i­nis­cent of the care we take with the sur­faces in our designs.

We also imple­ment­ed an upper­case IBIS to remind peo­ple visu­al­ly that our com­pa­ny is no longer the soft i” of inter­est­ing, but a proud and strong I” that embod­ies the spir­it of us as humans. These visu­als are bet­ter adapt­ed to the com­plex sur­fac­ing of our frames. They look sta­ble and mod­ern, like our bikes. 

Since our hum­ble begin­nings, this blend of craft, ele­gance, and irrev­er­ence has been a main­stay of the Ibis ethos. Our new brand iden­ti­ty reflects this past, while wel­com­ing a whole new era of rid­ers to the flock.

Thank You,

Hans, Tom, Scot, Roxy & Colin