Chuck Mt Diablo Slideways

Jun 26, 2019

Ibis Ripmo Review Roundup

"The Ibis Ripmo is the best bike ever in the history of the universe"

Chuck Ibis

That’s a joke of course, but Pinkbike would­n’t allow us to put any quotes from any com­pet­ing media out­lets, so we just made one up! We’re glad you’re here though, and we’d like to tell you a lit­tle bit about the Rip­mo, or bet­ter yet, let oth­ers tell you a lit­tle bit about the Rip­mo. Keep on scrolling…

Ante ripmo blue Orange
Here’s what the Rip­mo looks like.
"It's simply the all-mountain bike we've always wanted."


Out­side mag­a­zine just award­ed the Rip­mo the cov­et­ed Gear of the Year award, their high­est hon­or. One of the testers said it was like rid­ing on a cloud”. See their video (after a short ad).

"Our conclusion? The Ibis Ripmo is the perfect mountain bike."

Design & Innovation Award

DI A 2019 logo 200

"The Ibis Ripmo refuses to be categorised, blurring the boundaries between trail and enduro bikes: it’ll make an excursion to the bike park just as happily as it’ll ride a marathon in the Alps. Besides the increased traction of the 29″ wheels and the potent suspension, we were particularly convinced of the excellently balanced geometry. The flowing lines of the carbon frame and the impeccable quality of the workmanship testify to the perfectionism of this US brand. With components such as the long-travel dropper seatpost, the build spec is excellent, but you can also customise it to suit your individual requirements using the configurator. Our conclusion? The Ibis Ripmo is the perfect mountain bike, able to master the balancing act between the potency of an enduro bike and the agility as well as the direct handling of a trail bike."

Review banner ripmo DIA2019
The Ibis Rip­mo is the per­fect moun­tain bike.
"Precise, fast and versatile - the Ripmo performs like its numbers indicate it has no business doing."

Bike Magazine

Ripmo outside gear of the year

That’s what Bike Mag­a­zine had to say about the Rip­mo in the 2018 Bible of Bike Tests.

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.

"The best trail bike of 2019"

Enduro Mountain Bike Magazine

The con­clu­sion of our group test is: there are bikes that climb excel­lent­ly and descend well and oth­ers that descend bril­liant­ly and climb well. And then there are bikes that are extreme­ly agile, and oth­ers that are sta­ble and com­posed. The best trail bikes mas­ter the art of per­fect­ly unit­ing sup­pos­ed­ly oppos­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics, that are not only fun on flow­ing sec­tions or on nar­row tech­ni­cal trails but shine on rough ter­rain too. The bike that man­ages this bal­anc­ing act is the Ibis Rip­mo”.

Ibis Ripmo Test Review web 21 Best in test 1140x760
The best trail bike of 2019
"An aggressive 29er with geometry to get rad while retaining a sporty and nimble feel."

Outdoor Gear Lab

The Rip­mo is a high-end, light enduro/​aggressive trail, bike. It is an excel­lent option for the rid­er who wants aggres­sive geom­e­try with a sporty design. This bike has a mean atti­tude in rock gar­dens and steep trails while retain­ing an ath­let­ic and sporty feel. The com­bi­na­tion of hard-charg­ing abil­i­ties and a live­ly, finesse, feel is very dif­fi­cult to come by. Rid­ers who want long trav­el capa­bil­i­ty with mid-trav­el snap­pi­ness, han­dling, and accel­er­a­tion will love this bike

Read the test here.

Outdoor Gear Lab 2018 main Image
"The Ibis Ripmo is the best bike ever in the history of the universe."

Back to the quote that started it all. Chuck is kidding of course.

Won­der­ing what the sto­ry is behind that beard­ed guy in the pinkbike pho­to? Why that’s none oth­er than Scot Nicol, AKA Chuck Ibis, our founder, back in the day. Everett Utter­back cap­tured this image ON FILM back in 1982. Chuck” is rid­ing Ibis #7 some­where on Mount Dia­blo (about an hour East of San Francisco).

Chuck Mt Diablo Slideways
Ful­ly slideways!
"The Ripmo is calm and collected when you need it to be on the downs, and it gets it done without feeling that you are over-biked everywhere else."

Richard Cunningham, distinguished statesman of Pinkbike

Oh yeah, we almost for­got the Pinkbike review!

Here’s what they said: The Rip­mo is the epit­o­me of a mod­ern all-moun­tain bike. It can take on every­thing from long, all-day ped­al fests to the occa­sion­al enduro race or lap down a line of man-made jumps, all with­out feel­ing out of its element.”

The Rip­mo is the epit­o­me of a mod­ern all-moun­tain bike.