Pork Chop intro 01

Aug 18, 2020

Ibis now serving Vegan Bone-In Pork Chops

The Ibis Cycles Café is now serv­ing veg­an Bone-In Pork Chops. Made from exquis­ite bal­lis­tic nylon, these padded and rein­forced cut­lets fea­ture a water resis­tant zip­per. They’re the per­fect size to sati­ate your appetite for trail side treats, a cold bev­er­age, or spare tools.

The new Bone-In Pork Chop is avail­able for select sizes of the Rip­ley, Rip­mo, and Rip­mo AF. Treat your bike to a new Pork Chop by con­tact­ing your local deal­er or vis­it­ing our store. We also offer Pork Chops for the Mojo and Mojo HD5.

"The perfect size to satiate your appetite for trail side treats, a cold beverage, or spare tools."

The Ibis Cycles Cafe


The Pork Chop bags are con­struct­ed from a padded and rein­forced 210 rip­stop nylon. They’re sealed by a polyurethane reversible zip­per tape that is water resis­tant. We use a low pro­file cord­ed zip­per pull to elim­i­nate noise com­mon with typ­i­cal met­al zip­per heads. The brack­et clip is made of glass filled nylon. 


To pro­tect your paint from abra­sion, we rec­om­mend using clear tape to pro­tect on areas where the bag will con­tact your frame. We rec­om­mend the 3M Clear Paint Pro­tec­tion Film, which is used in many auto­mo­tive applications.

The Bone-In bags uti­lize a plas­tic free float­ing brack­et to mount. There are two dif­fer­ent brack­et sizes. The brack­et spe­cif­ic to your frame bag is includ­ed. Brack­et A fits the major­i­ty of frame sizes. You will need Brack­et B for the Rip­mo V2 Large and XL.

When installing the brack­et, please ensure that it is ful­ly insert­ed into the pock­et. If the brack­et is not ful­ly seat­ed, you can­not insert the bag ful­ly. For addi­tion­al details, please watch our tuto­r­i­al here:

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