Harrison Everest 1 Large

May 01, 2023

Harrison Biehl's Everest Attempt

Your first ques­tion might be the same as ours: why?

On June 26, 2022 Har­ri­son Biehl of Tahoe City, Cal­i­for­nia, attempt­ed and com­plet­ed his first Ever­est­ing” attempt. To Ever­est” is to climb a hill repeat­ed­ly and in a sin­gle effort until you climb 29,032ft – the equiv­a­lent height of Mt Ever­est. You can do it on dirt, grav­el or pavement. 

Har­ri­son chose the new­ly rebuild Stan­ford Rock trail on the west shore of Lake Tahoe for his attempt. 

Your first ques­tion might be the same as ours: why? 

There’s a great rea­son actu­al­ly. Har­ri­son did it as a fundrais­er and aware­ness builder to sup­port Tahoe’s West Shore trails includ­ing the new sin­gle track from Meeks Bay to Lost Lake. Stan­ford Rock is an exam­ple of a trail that was recent­ly realigned by the Tahoe Area Moun­tain Bik­ing Asso­ci­a­tion (TAM­BA).

Harrison Everest 6
To Ever­est” is to climb a hill repeat­ed­ly and in a sin­gle effort until you climb 29,032ft – the equiv­a­lent height of Mt Everest.

First Tracks Pro­duc­tions was on hand to doc­u­ment the attempt, and have com­plet­ed a film about the event in an effort to raise aware­ness about Har­rison’s effort and the trails around the Tahoe basin.

Har­ri­son used his Ibis Rip­mo, an enduro bike (!), for the attempt, adding an extra degree of chal­lenge to the effort. While the Rip­mo is a super effi­cient climber, the burly com­po­nents on the bike def­i­nite­ly add weight.

We encour­age you to watch the video below and sup­port Har­rison’s incred­i­ble effort with a dona­tion to TAM­BA here.

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