Ibis Oso action LM 4

Oct 04, 2022

Both Ways

A whole new sport demands a whole new bike. Built from the ground up to deliv­er a new lev­el of smooth, fast, and durable per­for­mance, the full-car­bon-fiber Oso fea­tures our first-ever upper-link sus­pen­sion dw-link plat­form. It stacks 155mm of rear trav­el with 170mm up front and is pow­ered by a Bosch Per­for­mance line CX motor.

"A thou­sand deci­sions, each with the goal of build­ing the most fun and capa­ble adven­ture machine possible."

Hans Heim, CEO & Partner

Ibis Oso Green Ebike LM 9
A whole new sport demands a whole new bike.

Sur­round­ing that motor, we designed a frame that would allow rid­ers of all sizes to feel equal­ly com­fort­able. Sizes large and extra-large fea­ture 444mm chain­stays and match­ing 29-inch wheels, while the small and medi­um get a mixed-wheel set­up and short­er, 439mm stays. The effec­tive seat angle is also size-spe­cif­ic, rang­ing from 77 degrees on the small up to 79 degrees on the extra large, which offers excel­lent climb­ing bal­ance and con­trol on all sizes. We also adjust­ed the reach and stack height to match our exist­ing mod­els, so the Oso fits and rides like an Ibis. And all frames have a 64-degree head angle.

Our patent­ed dw-link sus­pen­sion offers an unfair com­bi­na­tion of trac­tion and effi­cien­cy. And this dw-link was tai­lor-made to sat­is­fy the com­pli­cat­ed demands made by full pow­er eMTBs. We tuned it to be more pro­gres­sive than any­thing we have ever made. Thanks to the upper link’s but­tery high ini­tial lever­age rate and riot-ready late-stroke pro­gres­siv­i­ty, the Oso is the per­fect plat­form for a coil shock.

Ibis Oso rider in woods with sun shining through trees
A thou­sand deci­sions, each with the goal of build­ing the most fun and capa­ble adven­ture machine possible.

Rear trav­el can be bumped up to 170mm by swap­ping the 20560mm rear shock to a 20565. You can also lift the fork trav­el up to 180 or 190mm. We’ll even let you run a dual crown. In both con­fig­u­ra­tions, the Oso is sta­ble yet respon­sive, mim­ic­k­ing the expe­ri­ence of the do-absolute­ly-any­thing Rip­mo. Except, ya know, now with a motor.

The qui­et, pow­er­ful 85 NM Bosch Per­for­mance motor offers the most nat­ur­al-feel­ing accel­er­a­tion since the inven­tion of grav­i­ty. It is also the most depend­able motor on the mar­ket, with a 25,000-mile design life. The motor is paired with a UL cer­ti­fied 750Wh bat­tery (625Wh on small), so you can keep rid­ing, and rid­ing, and rid­ing. On top of that, you get Bosch’s two-year war­ran­ty, a glob­al net­work of deal­ers, and excel­lent cus­tomer service.

Along with the indus­try lead­ing dura­bil­i­ty of the Bosch motor, our sus­pen­sion link­ages are in a class of their own — even in the most chal­leng­ing con­di­tions. That’s why we offer a life­time bush­ing replace­ment war­ran­ty. The over­sized bear­ings, tube-in-tube cable rout­ing, built-in-fend­ers, and easy to remove bat­tery make this bike easy to service.

The frame fea­tures count­less oth­er perks, like a sev­en-year war­ran­ty, 2.5‑inch tire clear­ance, a UDH hang­er, trust­ed 148mm rear spac­ing, deep seat­post inser­tion, and room for a 26oz in-tri­an­gle bot­tle on the medi­um, large and extra-large and a 21oz on the small. Oth­er sub­tle touch­es cater­ing to the Oso’s unapolo­getic e‑bike-ness are its 200mm rear caliper mount, robust frame and motor pro­tec­tion, and clean­ly inte­grat­ed lights from bou­tique Ger­man bulb­smiths, Lupine.

Ibis Cycles Oso action shot, rider on singletrack
You can keep rid­ing, and rid­ing, and riding.

The rest of the com­po­nents bolt­ed to the Oso were cho­sen specif­i­cal­ly to keep this beast firm­ly in the reins. A Fox 38 and X2 shock, XT 4‑piston brakes, 220mm rotors, and Dou­ble-Down-cas­ing Maxxis tires, seat­ed on our Black­bird Send alloy rims. We are keep­ing it sim­ple and stick­ing just to that one build kit. Because, like the Oso itself, it is made of the stuff that we want­ed to ride. A thou­sand deci­sions, each with the goal of build­ing the most fun and capa­ble adven­ture machine possible.