20180509 MOP9766

Jun 15, 2018

Blister Gear Review Rides the Mojo HD4

"It's the most downhill-oriented bike that I’d still be willing to pedal uphill for a really long time."

Blister Gear Review

There’s no short­age of great Trail bikes on the mar­ket these days, and Ibis makes sev­er­al of them. And there’s a decent num­ber of longer-trav­el bikes that real­ly empha­size the down­hill. Some­where in between those points lies the Ibis Mojo HD4. Yes, it’s built with descend­ing in mind, and it’s clear that steep, row­dy descents are where it’s most at home. But it’s not quite as sin­gu­lar­ly focused as some of the longer-trav­el options out there that would real­ly pre­fer to get dri­ven to the top of the hill.

Read the review here.